CS 4 - Strategic Choices - Essay ExampleThis forms the principal guideline of Coca-Cola whereby it designs its company activities to suit the income and preference changes in the market. It is essential to note that Coca-Cola serves various ages of individuals: Both the old and young person’s utilize the brand. Coca-Cola is widely spread around the world. The activities of Coca-Cola transcend bias even in low-income countries. The countries, under Coca-Cola service stretch from USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa. The company’s headquarters manage a global channel of distribution. In turn, it produces diverse brands out of the traditional domain of soda brands (Hirschey, 2008). Additionally, Coca-Coca integrates its activities in customers, employees, partners and its leadership. As for the partners, the company’s mission regards linking customers, suppliers and the company in a competitive network of entities. Coca-cola, as well, strive to a socially just society through participation in world concerns and other community’s issues.

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